
Client Owner


-List homes for sale on website, through the various websites dedicated to real estate promotion.

-Share our listings with other real estate agents to drive buyers to the property.

-Share the commission with any agency with an AMI license, thus making it possible to reach the entire market.

-Advise the owner in preparing his home for advertisements and exhibitions.

-Supervise the whole process, in order to give feedback to proprietary customers about results.

-Send any offer to the seller for consideration.

-Help the owner customer to negotiate offers to try to execute a purchase contract with a buyer.

-Work on behalf of the seller in coordinating the transaction process.

-Deliver and explain the documents, disclosures and transaction items.

-Assist the client owner during the closing and moving house.



Client Buyer


-We help buyers to locate all available properties in their desired area according to their price range and meeting their criteria.

-We coordinate and help buyers to visit and view desired properties.

-When the decision is made to initiate a purchase, we help the buyer to prepare their initial offer.

-We represent the buyers behalf in negotiations with the seller's real estate agent.

-Once a purchase contract is executed, we coordinate the transaction process on the buyer's side.

-We deliver and explain the necessary documents in the transaction process.

-Coordinate inspections, reports and repair negotiations.

-We help buyers close and take possession of the property.