Golden Visa Portugal

Article index

  • What is Golden Visa Portugal?
  • Who can apply for Golden Visa Portugal?
  • What are the advantages of Golden Visa Portugal?
  • Minimum Time Requirement
  • Golden Visa Specialists (how can we help you)


What is Golden Visa Portugal?

The Golden Visa, officially called the Residence Permit for Investment Activity, is a type of residence visa in Portugal that grants authorization to live in the country - and enjoy the advantages of being part of the European Community - for foreigners who can prove it. certain types of investment in the country.

Keeping the investment for at least five years, these foreigners are entitled to apply for Portuguese nationality.


Who can apply for Golden Visa Portugal?

Golden Visa can apply to all foreign citizens outside the EU who carry out an investment activity, personally or through a company incorporated in Portugal or in another Member State of the European Union and with a permanent establishment in Portugal, and at least one of the quantitative requirements provided for in the applicable legislation .

In particular, the applicable quantitative requirements are as follows:

  1. Acquiring real estate with a value of 500 thousand euros or more
    The most common method to acquire Golden Visa Portugal is to buy one or more properties in the country, provided that the sum of the properties is at least 500 thousand euros. The acquired properties can be used as an investment, to be rented, for example.
  2. Acquire old real estate, in urban rehabilitation areas, for a total amount of 350 thousand euros or more
    The value of investment in the real estate segment is less if the real estate acquired has been built more than 30 years ago, or is located in an urban rehabilitation area, and you promote rehabilitation works on these assets.Thus, the global amount needed to obtain the Golden Visa is now 350 thousand euros.In addition, this value may also be reduced by 20% (280 thousand euros) if the properties are located in low density territories.
  3. Transfer capital equal to or greater than 1 million euros
    This modality includes, among other ways, the possibility of transferring capital to a deposit account with a credit institution in Portugal, for the acquisition of public debt instruments of the Portuguese State and for the acquisition of book-entry securities.
  4. Create at least 10 jobs
    “Entrepreneurial investors” can also obtain Golden Visa if they generate at least 10 jobs in Portugal, and this requirement can be reduced by 20% (8 jobs) when it is carried out in low density territory.
  5. Investing in small and medium-sized businesses
    If you do not want to start your own company, but want to invest in investment funds or venture capital for the capitalization of companies, you are eligible for investments starting at 350 thousand euros.
  6. Investing in scientific research The possibility of granting Golden Visa Portugal to those who invest at least 350 thousand euros in scientific research is more recent in the program (since 2015). Activities must be carried out by public or private scientific research institutions, integrated into the national scientific and technological system. This change aims to bring more diversified investors to the country and focused on strategic sectors for the Government. And the value of this investment can also be reduced by 20% (280 thousand euros) when it is made in low density territory. Invest in artistic production, preservation or conservation of cultural heritage Also due to the changes that took place in 2015, now those who apply 250 thousand euros in artistic production and preservation or conservation of the national cultural heritage, are also eligible for Golden Visa Portugal. In this context, the investment must be made through services of the central and peripheral direct administration, public institutes, entities that integrate the public business sector, public foundations, private foundations with public utility status, intercity entities, entities that integrate the local business sector, municipal associative entities and public cultural associations, which carry out tasks in the area of ​​artistic production, recovery or maintenance of the national cultural heritage. The value of this investment can also be reduced by 20% (200 thousand euros) when it is made in low density territory.  Attention: In all cases, the minimum amount to be invested cannot be financed.


What are the advantages of Golden Visa Portugal?

Through this regime, Portugal seeks to encourage foreign investment in the country at the level of natural persons (foreign citizens) and, in return, the beneficiary of Golden Visa acquires the possibility of:

  1. Enter Portugal with no residence visa required;
  2. Live and work in Portugal, if you wish;
  3. Circulate through the Schengen Area, without the need for a visa;
  4. Benefit from family reunification;
  5. Request the granting of Permanent Residence Authorization, after 5 years of maintenance of the investment made;
  6. Request the acquisition of Portuguese nationality after 5 years of maintenance of the investment made.

Therefore, it is an excellent alternative for those who wish to take advantage of investment opportunities in Portugal and, at the same time, for those who wish to reside or work legally in Portugal and still move around the Schengen Area without the need for a visa. At the end of 5 years you can still apply for a permanent residence permit or Portuguese citizenship (“Portuguese passport”).


Ease to acquire Portuguese nationality

In addition, Golden Visa is the appropriate route for those who wish to acquire Portuguese nationality without necessarily having to reside in the country during the period legally required for that purpose (5 years of residence). In other words, ideal for an investor who does not intend or cannot reside in Portugal for a minimum period of 5 years (general rule established in the Portuguese Nationality Law).

The Golden Visa holder may also benefit from family reunification, that is, from the request for a Golden Visa also for his immediate family members, such as spouses and children, by fulfilling the applicable legal requirements, of course.


Minimum Time Requirement

In addition to the minimum quantitative requirement (investment required), this Regime also provides for a minimum time requirement to be met:

  1. Stay in Portugal for a period of not less than 7 days in the first year, consecutive or interpolated, and 14 days, consecutive or interpolated, in the subsequent periods of 2 years.
  2. Validity and Renewals
  3. Golden Visa is awarded for a period of 1 year and then renewed for 2 successive periods of 2 years. Therefore, the investment, in any modality, must be maintained for five (5) years, from the date of granting the Residence Permit.
  4. As previously mentioned, after 5 years of residence permit it is possible to apply for Portuguese citizenship, by naturalization, or permanent residence permit.


Golden Visa Specialists

As the demand for Golden Visa has increased a lot, specialized services have started to help people who are interested in this requested visa.

In this sense, if you want professional assistance to help you understand what is the best scenario for your specific case, to invest with more tranquility and security, as well as taking care of all the legal and bureaucratic procedures to get your Golden Visa and your residence in Portugal, you can count on Thronus Real Estate.


Is there more foreign investment in Portugal?

Golden Visa Portugal was created in 2012, when Portugal and the whole of Europe were still looking to recover from the consequences of the strong world crisis of 2008.

The granting of visas via the sale of real estate was, then, an excellent way to increase foreign investment in the country quickly. It is estimated that Portugal raised more than 5 billion euros from the program. And that it has granted around 8 thousand visas of this type since the program began in 2012.


Who is investing?

Most people who invest in Portugal and apply for the Golden Visa are people who have capital and are interested in the possibility of living in Europe alone or together with their family, and also guaranteeing a “European passport” after 5 years of investment .


What did foreigners invest in to get the Golden Visa?

More than 90% of the investment made was directed to the real estate sector, with a good part of these properties destined to seasonal rental for tourists in the region of Porto, Lisbon and Madeira Island as a good source of income for their owners.


Which nationalities most request Golden Visa in Portugal?

The nationalities that are investing the most in Portugal, that is, those that are applying for the Golden Visa in Portugal most are China, Brazil, Turkey, South Africa and Russia.


Why do so many people want to invest in Portugal?

There are countless factors: quality of life, security, stability, strategic location, climate, highly qualified professionals, low cost of living, ease in creating a company, support for entrepreneurship and start-ups, excellent infrastructure, complete touristic offer, a lot of cutting-edge culture and cuisine.


Want to know more about Golden Visa? Watch this video: